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Holiday inquiry:

Rauris in the summer

Summer holidays in the Hohe Tauern National Park

Between 800 and 3800 metres above sea level, nature lovers, families and sports enthusiasts will find what they are looking for in the Hohe Tauern National Park holiday region – on land, on the water and in the air!

Hikers, mountaineers, climbing freaks, riders, anglers, golfers, paragliders, swimmers or bikers will experience the diversity of the nature during an active holiday in Rauris. Accompanied by national park rangers, you can discover the heart of the national park on free guided hikes. “Find out where nature is the purest”! Under this motto, more and more holidaymakers recharge their batteries in Rauris in the heart of the Hohe Tauern National Park with its romantic mountain world.

Hiking in Rauris

Cheery high meadow hikes or high alpine mountain tours – during your hiking holiday in the Hotel Theresa in Rauris you can expect endless options for exploring the unique mountains on over 300 km of signposted trails.

E-Biking & Mountain Biking in Rauris

You love nature? Then you'll really like a biking tour in the Rauris Valley. Here, MTB pros and downhillers can really frolic and even pleasure bikers and e-bikers will find their favourite routes. Connection to the Tauern Cycle Trail.

The National Park Summer Card

You should always have the National Park Summer Card during your holiday in the Rauris Valley. Because there are more than 60 attractions you can visit for free with this benefit card, such as use of the lifts, museums or swimming pools. In addition, you can use the public transport all over Pinzgau for free.

Weather in Rauris


The Rauris Valley

There are many reasons to spend your holidays in the lovely Rauris Valley. And every visitor will discover them when they see this fascinating natural landscape in completely enchanting region at the foot of the Sonnblick Group with their own eyes.

Time for holidays with friends!

Pension Theresa

Familie Eßl
Veiderfeldweg 2 - 5661 Rauris
Tel.: +43(0)6544-7288 od. +43(0)664 88867338
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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